A variety of styles exist for documenting sources from the world wide web, differing in the number of entries, their order and ways of presentation (e.g., APA, MLA, CBE and Chicago), and we did not aim to follow exactly any of these styles. Instead, we tried to provide as much of the relevant information as possible, so that citation can be reformated by anyone according to his/her needs or requests of editor. Generally, the following template is utilized:

<data provider>. (<Date of document>). Breeding conditions report for <site name>, <year>. ARCTIC BIRDS: an international breeding conditions survey. (Online database). Ed(s). <database manager(s)>. <URL of the page>. <date of the latest update>. <date of access>.

WARNING: URL of the page and date of access are dynamically generated. If you save the page to your hard drive and re-open it afterwards, these fields will show file location on your computer and the date of re-open. To preserve file location on the web and date of its access online, it is recommended to copy and paste these fields via clipboard into text file (or print the page in online regime).



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